順研商學院隸屬于廣東順研智能自動化設備有限責任公司旗下,由廣東順研公司及順研商學院 管理。其學院職能負責培訓順研公司客戶技術員對設備的高效使用操作方法。定期舉辦團隊管理執行力培訓;招聘培訓社會技術員為輸送有需要的客戶做增值服務;舉辦技能 PK競賽活動;進行市場 銷售招商活動;學院會場全力服務于廣大客戶、股東及合作伙伴。我們將以事無巨細的服務精神為您營造出專屬的與眾不同的體驗,提升您的用戶感覺及需求!
Shunyan Business School is affiliated to Guangdong Shunyan Inteligent Automatic Equipment Co, Ltd. and is managed by Guangdong Shunyan Company and Shunyan Business School. lis cademy funtion is responsible for training Shunyan's custom techniciams to se and operate the equipment eficiently. Regularly organize team managcment exeution training; recruit and train social lechnicians to provide value-added services for customers in need; organize skills PK competitions; conduct marketing and sales promotion activities: the collcge venue fully serves customers, shareholders al partners. We will create an exclusive and unique experience for you with the service spirit of every detail, and enhance your user's feelings and needs!